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At Alliance Bio Expertise, our goal is to provide solutions adapted to scientific research laboratories for the well-being of current and future generations.

We manufacture and select leading solutions in the life sciences market, particularly in the fields of hypoxia, anaerobic, cell phenotyping, CO2 incubation.

Hypoxia Research :

Whether you are involved with basic scientific research, drug discovery, or patient care, our partner Baker Ruskinn (with more than 60 years of experience) has a proven record of delivering high-performing equipment through an uncompromising commitment to safety, testing, quality, and craftsmanship.

We can give you the benefit of all our experience in hypoxia research. The hypoxia stations that we offer, allow cells to be handled and stored in a controlled environment reproducing in-vivo conditions, with temperature, humidity, oxygen level and rate control of carbon dioxide, accurately and stably.

Success story : Twenty years ago, Andrew Skinn met Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and his team to discuss the challenges they faced. The objective was to understand the impact of oxygen on the production of erythropoietin in kidney cells. Baker Ruskinn pioneered precision oxygen control technology capable of stabilizing the physiological growing environment while imitating O2 variation.

This technology has led to a better understanding of the mechanisms by which HIF influences the signaling pathways of cells. This by providing an uninterrupted culture environment in which HIF was preserved, rather than degraded by exposure to the hyperoxic environment of the open laboratory.

Our partner Baker Ruskinn is extremely proud to have participated in this project which ended in the Nobel Prize awarded to William G. Kaelin Jr, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza.

Phenotype MicroArrays for Microbial Cells :

Alliance Bio Expertise can also provide you Phenotype MicroArray™ Biolog’s Technology. This enables researchers to characterize cells in up to 1 920 assays and evaluate cell changes under thousands of culture conditions and physiological states in a simple, rapid, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Phenotype MicroArrays for Mammalian Cells :

Using Biolog’s Phenotype MicroArray™ Technology, any type of cell can be characterized for metabolically related phenotypes in over 1,000 assays in a simple, rapid, and cost-effective manner.

Our team, made up of experienced application engineers, is at your disposal to assist you on your research !

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Alliance Bio Expertise
ZA de Courbouton 35480 Guipry

